Record Mouse Clicks and other Mouse Actions with Mouse and Keyboard Recorder for Mac. Recording of Mouse Clicks allows you to play the recorded Mouse Clicks at a later date time. You can even use the Mouse Recorder to Automate tedious or repetitive task which requires lots of Mouse Clicking. Yes you can even playback the recorded Mouse Clicks, Mouse Movement and other Mouse Actions in a loop or at a different speed. This can be really useful to speed up a Manual Task with the help of Mouse & Keyboard Recorder.
The above Screenshot displays the main screen of the Mouse Recorder with which you can record Keyboard Actions as well. In order to Record Mouse Clicks, you need to Start the Recording and when you are done with recording your Mouse Actions, you need to Stop the Recording. There are 2 ways in which you can Start and Stop Mouse Recording as enumerated below:
- Click on the Start Recording and Stop Recording Buttons to Start Mouse Recording and Stop Recording Mouse Clicks and other Actions respectively.
- Use a single Keyboard Shortcut with which you can Start and Stop the Mouse Recording.
Keyboard Shortcuts are easy way to control this Mouse Recorder and you can even enable Audible Alerts to confirm that the Recorder has received your command to do the desired Action. The Configurable Keyboard Shortcuts available here are System Wide Keyboard Shortcuts so they work even when the Mouse & Keyboard Recorder is minimized or does not have the focus. The Keyboard Shortcut defined here can be a single Keystroke or combined Keystrokes like Command + D, Control + G, etc. There are 3 different keyboard shortcuts available in this Mouse Recorder as enumerated below:
- Keyboard Shortcut to Start and Stop Mouse Click Recording with which you can easily the Mouse Clicks and other Action Recorded. You can also enable Keystroke Recording from System Preferences and enable the Keyboard Recording if you would like to record Keystrokes as well. In case you wish to record special Mouse Clicks like Control + Click, Command + Click or any other type of Mouse Click combined with Keystroke, you must enable Keystroke Recording, otherwise Keystrokes would not be recorded.
- Keyboard Shortcut to Pause or Resume Mouse Recording with which you can Pause the Mouse Click Recording and later Resume the Recording. Use this Keyboard Shortcut Carefully as the duration for which you paused the Recording would be counted as blank and the total duration of the Recording would take into consideration the time duration for which you paused the Mouse Recording.
- Keyboard Shortcut to Start / Stop Playback of Mouse Recording. This Keyboard Shortcut allows you to easily control the Execution of Recorded Mouse Clicks. During the playback of the Recorded Macro Script, you can press the Keyboard Shortcut again to Stop the Mouse and Keyboard Script Execution.
When you save the Recorded Mouse and Keyboard Actions, all the above 3 Keyboard Shortcuts are stored in the Data File allowing you to use different Keyboard Shortcuts for different Mouse & Keyboard Macro Scripts. On the other hand, settings of the Recorder are stored on a Global Level. As displayed in the Screenshot below you can choose as to which Mouse Actions are recorded by the Mouse Recorder.
Given below are the available options available in the Settings. Note that the Settings control as to which Mouse Actions are Recorded and are not applicable to Mouse Macro Script Playback. You can even Enable / Disable Keystroke Recording, however in order for Keystroke Recording to work, you need to add the Mouse & Keyboard Recorder to Trusted Applications in System Preferences.
- Left Mouse Button
- Middle Mouse Button
- Right Mouse Button
- Mouse Movement
- Keystrokes
- Scroll wheel
There is another option to mark the Recorder Window to Stay on Top of other Windows. This feature is disabled by default, however it can be useful when you need to keep an eye on the Recording Playback. Starting of the Playback of Recorded Mouse Actions can be delayed from the Main Screen of the Software by specifying Delay Script Execution Time Duration in Hours and Minutes.
You can Right Click on the Mouse Macro Recorder’s Screen or click on the Top Left Button to invoke a Menu allowing you to configure extra parameters. The Time Delay for Action Playback at the bottom of the Software allows you to Speed up or Slow Down the Macro Playback by controlling the Time Delay in between every Recorded Action. Small Help button are available for you to get help about appropriate software feature.
Download this Mouse & Keyboard Recorder for Free on your Mac OS X 10.6 or later and give it a try. Whenever you feel that a particular task is tedious or requires lots of exact same steps, you can simply Record your Mouse Actions and Play them back. Whether you need to Click Faster in a Game, Click Faster on multiple links of a website or just Automate a Repetitive Task on your Mac, this Mouse Recorder can be really useful utility.