Mac Screenshot feature in Windows 8

No doubt that Windows is one of the most popular operating system in the world, but Mac Users have enjoyed lots of useful and unique features in various Mac Versions. With every new version of Mac, Apple is adding more and more features allowing the users of Mac to get more out of their investment. Lots of features of Microsoft’s Windows Operating System might have been expired from Apple’s Mac. Now Windows 8 adds a feature which Mac Users have utilised for long and yes this is a really great feature and has helped lots of Mac Users to communicate with other people using Mac or Windows Computers.

Command + Shift + 3 is a Mac feature which allows Mac Users to take a screenshot and save it as a file on the Desktop. Now Windows 8 is now offering the same feature with a twist. On Windows 8 computer, anybody can press the Windows Key + Print Screen button to capture a screenshot and save it in the Pictures folder. Author feels that Mac’s Screenshot feature is better as compared to that provided by Microsoft’s Windows 8 computers as it saves the user a few mouse clicks and user can easily identify the screenshot image file on Desktop.

Prior to Windows 8, capturing screenshot in Windows 7, Vista or XP was a tedious task. A Windows user was expected to press the Print Screen Button, open up an Image Editor, Press Ctrl + V to copy the image file from clipboard to the image editor and then save the screenshot file using the image editor. On the other hand Mac users could save themselves lots of mouse clicks and could capture screenshot really easily. Apple got this screenshot idea long time ago and due to which Mac users were able to share screenshots really easily and quickly with only a single keyboard shortcut.